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fleet Services
We’re equipped to handle extensive repairs for Fleet Vehicles because we carry all the necessary materials in our 25,000 square foot warehouse.
We are the clear source for expert auto & fleet vehicle glass replacement and repair.
Our Current Fleet Vehicle Customers
Woodland Motors (Chevy dealer)
Hoblit Motors (Dodge dealer)
Team Ford (Ford dealer)
BustWest Northern California
Downtown Ford (Ford dealer)
Hoblit Ford (Colusa Ford dealer)
Colusa County Sheriffs Department
Arbuckle Fire Department
Dunnigan Fire Department
Wilkinson international Case Dealer
Tractors Dealer
H&H Supply
Alsco Geyer Irrigation
Baileys Trenchless Inc.
Bar Ale
Barnard Pipeline
Charter Oak's Farm
Clark Pacific
Colusa County Farm Supply
Conaway Ranch
Kolb Trucking
Mezger Trucking
Mumma Ranch
O Sullivan Ranch
Penske Truck Rentals
Road Runner Drilling
RSI Drilling
W.E.C.O Woodside Electronic Company
WALDECK Wright and Associates
Harrison Concrete Cutting
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